Alcohol: A culprit of cognitive decline?

Yes. No. Maybe. Who do you think will perform better on a cognitive assessment?a) 70-year old male name Bob, who drinks 10 drinks a week, or b) 70-year old male named Tom, who has never had a drink in his life Now, if you are thinking that Tom will most likely score better on a…

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NO Food or Drinks before Surgery. Why?

If you or your loved one has needed to go for surgery, you are told not to eat or drink anything from the night before your surgery. In some cases, you are permitted to have clear liquids only.  Why are we told to do this? Research has shown that having a meal or non-clear fluid…

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1747: The Birth of Clinical Trials?

Clinical trials in the world of research are vitally important in testing new treatment options for diseases without a known cure. When I started learning about research, I thought clinical research was a fairly new and unexplored field. To my surprise, I was WRONG!  The first ever clinical trial was conducted in the year 1747…

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